Health, Healing & Wellness

Living in Full Circle Harmony – Our Unified Heart 

By Shannon Chada –  Each one of us is in the process of weaving our own life tapestry. It is with each strand that we tell our stories of brokenness, pain, gratitude, and joy. This all-encompassing masterpiece is a reflection of our life, the journey of our heart and mind.    The Sanskrit word for heart chakra is Anahata, which means "unstruck," as in the sound of the unstruck …

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Andean Earthkeepers – Nusta Karpay – Goddess Transmissions

By Christina Pateros –  The Andes Mountain Range is the longest continental mountain range in this vast and breathtaking natural world. From those snow-capped peaks of the Peruvian Andes come the Indigenous iconic Q’ero, also known as the Children of the Sun. Draped in expertly crafted ponchos of alpaca reds, …

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Before the Day Begins – Never Another Today

By Jim Kaminecki –  There are many benefits of exercise that are widely known. It’s not simply something that benefits the physical body, although that is certainly the case. A consistent routine also has benefits for emotional and psychological well-being. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience, and the body is the temple …

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The Health Benefits of Infrared Technology 

By Janet Thompson –   Sweating is a great way to burn calories and rid your body of unwanted toxins. But how do you sweat when you’re injured, or unable to exercise? An infrared sauna! Why is an infrared sauna superior to the traditional steam saunas? Because it heats the core of …

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Organic Gardening – Less is More

By Sue Odland  Birds are singing, tulips are in bloom, the garden is ready to be worked. However, many people find themselves as busy as springtime rabbits at this time of year. For gardeners short on time or energy, explore the Stout method of no-work gardening this season. This ingenious technique …

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The Shared Heart – A Closer Look at Unworthiness

By Joyce and Barry Vissell – Do you ever feel unworthy to receive good things in your life? It’s not an easy question to answer. Some of you are in touch with your feelings of not deserving. Some of you are not. I daresay that feelings of unworthiness are present in most of us, although we might …

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Living In Full Circle Harmony – Sparking Empowerment Within 

By Shannon Chada –  When we look within ourselves to ask the question “who am I?” a process of peeling back the layers begins. First, we release the obvious labels, “I am a mother, a wife, a Reiki Master Teacher, etc.,” then we dive a bit deeper, seeking a more meaningful depiction. In my own journey, as the layers unraveled, I found myself exploring notions of being …

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Wisdom of the Angels – Healing Cancer’s Emotional Roots

By Lori Daniel Falk – Did you know that cancer cases are expected to surge 57% worldwide in the next 20 years, according to the World Health Organization? The latest World Cancer Report (2014) says it is implausible to think we can treat our way out of the disease, and that …

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Organic Gardening – March 2017

By Sue Odland  New Beginnings Shake off those winter blues for the promise of a world of green. As the cold recedes, and the promise of spring peeks through, gardeners’ thoughts turn to visions of lush green beds dotting their landscapes. Take time during this resting phase of the growing season to plan your upcoming garden. Thoughtful planning and preparation sets the foundation for a harvest brimming …

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