Cultivating Consciousness

Spiritual Chemistry

By Jakeb Brock When it comes to understanding how devoting ourselves to a spiritual practice and perspective can impact our life situation there is no greater single influence than spiritual chemistry.  Spiritual chemistry is why our lives are such as they are.  So it behooves us to take a closer …

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Sticks and Stones Can Break Your Bones But Words Cut Even Deeper

  By Karen Corinne Herceg Many of us will recall the old saying, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Well, it’s blatantly wrong. As a survivor of sexual, physical, emotional, and psychological abuse, I can attest that the deepest cuts are the ones …

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Building our Lives

By Dean Fraser  Building a house to stand the test of time begins with firm foundations; it is precisely the same with building a future full of personally inspiring new ideals. Only once the foundations are in place, and in our case this would be having established what we genuinely …

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The Power of Love

By Jakeb Brock Human beings have always been fascinated by and obsessed with power.  In fact, if one accepts the Bible as being historically valid, it might be deduced that this age of man began with a power grab when our primal ancestor fell prey to the temptation of eating …

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Letting Go of Your Story

By Jakeb Brock This has been the Age of Adam—an evolutionary plateau in which the consciousness of the human collective has been moving in a state that was prophetically described, albeit it briefly, in the beginning pages of the Bible.  This Adamic state is one of dualistic thinking, fear, separation, …

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