Organic Gardening

Organic Gardening – Back to Basics

By Sue Odland  Spring rains recede, while sunshine warms the earth, and the time has come to plant a garden. This affordable, enjoyable activity brings fresh, flavorful offerings directly from nature to table. Developing the basic skills needed to grow your own food will always be in style. This season, turn off the TV and computer screens, take the family outside, and connect to Mother Earth. Here are some simple steps to create a successful, productive garden: Step 1: Pick a space with 6-8 hours …

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 Organic Gardening – Garden Keepers

  By Sue Odland  As summer temperatures rise, bountiful gardens bloom, and garden pests do too. Keep your garden safe from chemicals this season by using the wisdom of Mother Nature to provide effective, natural pest control. Using a combination of the following strategies will provide your plants with well-rounded protection …

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All About Town – Garden Gifts

  By Theresa Puskar I was no “Goddess-of-the-Garden.” I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. My mother was a highly creative woman and an avid gardener. Each year she would split the back garden into four sections, one for each of her daughters. To start, we planted tulip bulbs …

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Organic Gardening – Less is More

By Sue Odland  Birds are singing, tulips are in bloom, the garden is ready to be worked. However, many people find themselves as busy as springtime rabbits at this time of year. For gardeners short on time or energy, explore the Stout method of no-work gardening this season. This ingenious technique …

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Organic Gardening – March 2017

By Sue Odland  New Beginnings Shake off those winter blues for the promise of a world of green. As the cold recedes, and the promise of spring peeks through, gardeners’ thoughts turn to visions of lush green beds dotting their landscapes. Take time during this resting phase of the growing season to plan your upcoming garden. Thoughtful planning and preparation sets the foundation for a harvest brimming …

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Home-Grown Holiday Giving

By Sue Odland The holidays are upon us. The giving lists have begun. Wise stewards of the earth can slow the pace of the season by creating home-grown gifts from the garden. Taking the time to make a personal gift imparts a bit of our best selves to friends and …

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Fall’s Last Call

By Sue Odland As leaves begin their crimson cascade, and the air turns crisp with the promise of a changing season, the garden begins its transition as well. Consider the following tips and activities to glean the most from the autumn garden. “Seeds” of the Future Even though gardeners may …

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Second Chance Gardening

By Sue Odland   Many gardeners view the approaching fall months as a time for harvesting summer crops and closing up the garden. However, Mother Nature rewards avid gardeners with one last chance to create home-grown garden magic through second crop, or cool season planting. August is the perfect time …

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