Ask Alecia

Ask Alecia – October 2021

By Alecia Rice Ask Alecia August Question: This past year, I’ve noticed a pattern with my emotionally sensitive cousin. We’ll be in a group together and she’ll all of the sudden get up and leave the room, seemingly in an emotional huff with no explanation. It’s a horrible feeling that …

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Ask Alecia – September 2021

By Alecia Rice Ask Alecia August My fiance wants to get plastic surgery. I’ve seen some terrible, fake-looking women, and I’m concerned because she’s beautiful as she is. I’m afraid to talk to her because I don’t want to hurt her. Any suggestions?  ~Concerned Fiance Dear Concerned Fiance~ This is …

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Ask Alecia – August 2021

By Alecia Rice Ask Alecia August  I’m concerned about getting together with my family for a family reunion this summer. I’m struggling with managing my energy with people who are ridiculous in some of the things they believe which is several of my more distant family members. I know they’re …

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Ask Alecia – July 2021

By Alecia Rice I’m now starting to do things socially again, but I’m finding that I feel unsure, uptight, and a bit strained in my interactions and I’m an extrovert. How do I bridge these uncomfortable feelings? Uptight and Uncomfortable Dear Uptight and Uncomfortable~ This is a common theme that …

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Ask Alecia – January 2021

By Alecia Rice Q: I waste so much time playing the “middle person” for others. It’s hard enough to manage life without spinning my wheels in circumstances that aren’t mine. Any tips on how I can extricate myself? — Spinning My Wheels A: Dear Spinning My Wheels, These shifting times …

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