
Living in Full Circle Harmony – Our Unified Heart 

By Shannon Chada –  Each one of us is in the process of weaving our own life tapestry. It is with each strand that we tell our stories of brokenness, pain, gratitude, and joy. This all-encompassing masterpiece is a reflection of our life, the journey of our heart and mind.    The Sanskrit word for heart chakra is Anahata, which means "unstruck," as in the sound of the unstruck …

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Andean Earthkeepers – Nusta Karpay – Goddess Transmissions

By Christina Pateros –  The Andes Mountain Range is the longest continental mountain range in this vast and breathtaking natural world. From those snow-capped peaks of the Peruvian Andes come the Indigenous iconic Q’ero, also known as the Children of the Sun. Draped in expertly crafted ponchos of alpaca reds, …

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