The Shared Heart- Heartfulness

The Shared Heart – The Gift of Rejection

By Joyce and Barry Vissell – Rejection can hurt. Perhaps a person can be rejected by a friend, partner, boss, sibling, parent, co-worker, someone you work out with at the gym, or even your grown child. Scientists are discovering that the hurt of rejection can be actually recorded within your …

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The Shared Heart – To Really Choose a Man

  By Joyce and Barry Vissell – To really love a man is to choose him over and over again. It’s not enough to say marriage vows one time, though that is certainly important. The relationship is deepened if you let him know often that you would choose him all …

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The Shared Heart – The Three Parts of Relationship Commitment

  By Joyce and Barry Vissell –  What does it mean to be fully committed in a monogamous relationship? The traditional meaning has to do with focusing your romantic energies only upon your partner. You’re not committed if you have “one foot outside the door,” meaning you’re still available for …

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The Shared Heart – Heartfulness – When Our Children ‘Come Out’

by Joyce and Barry Vissell – Last week, Barry and I found ourselves at 10pm sitting at a special reserved table at “The Stud,” the 50-year-old first gay bar in San Francisco. First of all, there are a few things you should know about us: we’re quiet “country people” who …

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The Shared Heart – Heartfulness – REALationship

By Joyce and Barry Vissell – Okay, it’s a cute word, but what does it mean to have a REAL relationship, a relationship with substance? What does it take to have a relationship that not only lasts, and also thrives with a loving connection? From growing with my beloved of …

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The Shared Hearth – Heartfulness – The Many Opportunities to Trust

By Joyce and Barry Vissell –  Imagine if we could completely trust that we are guided, protected, and completely loved by an unseen higher power, that all that happens is a gift bringing us closer to God and our angels. I imagine that life would be peaceful and joyful. This complete trust is not easy for anyone. I started a practice to …

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The Shared Heart – A Closer Look at Unworthiness

By Joyce and Barry Vissell – Do you ever feel unworthy to receive good things in your life? It’s not an easy question to answer. Some of you are in touch with your feelings of not deserving. Some of you are not. I daresay that feelings of unworthiness are present in most of us, although we might …

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The Shared Heart – What Would Your Sign Say?

By Joyce and Barry Vissell – January 21, 2017 will long be remembered as the day of the women’s marches. It is so inspiring that (men and) women from each continent participated, including Antarctica! We just watched a women’s march that took place in Israel, in which Jewish and Arab …

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Feeling ALL of Our Feelings By Joyce and Barry Vissell – There are popular feelings: joy, happiness, love, and affection, to name a few… then there are unpopular feelings: anger, sadness, grief, hurt, and fear, among others. Most of us tend to hide the unpopular feelings, and instead, only feel and show the popular …

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