Healthy Eating – Fruit: How Sweet It Is

  By Betsy Bruns The evolution of the sweet tooth is thought to be centered around the idea that, over generations, we have linked a sweet taste with high-energy foods, which would have helped our ancestors survive. Sourcing foods with high energy density meant less time foraging for food. It’s …

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Healthy Eating – Chicken-less Soup for the Soul

By Betsy Bruns Moving away from family and friends in 2021 means that gatherings are less spontaneous and occur mostly on weekend visits. The memories we make feed the soul and usually involve comfort food.  If we don’t plan, we’ll end up eating too much processed food during these gatherings, …

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Healthy Eating – Lose Weight and Gain Energy – Without Resolutions or Diets

By Betsy Bruns I stopped making New Year’s resolutions a while ago. Like weight-loss diets, which have a start date, an end date, and the feeling of holding your breath until the torture is over. New Year’s resolutions are rarely successful. Neither are most diets. According to some estimates, diets …

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5 Tips for a Healthy Heart for Women

  By Dr. Jennifer Mieres and Dr. Stacey Rosen  One in three women will die from cardiovascular disease this year. For men, the American Heart Association says it’s one in four. That’s higher than all types of cancer fatalities combined. Of course, there are risk factors that can increase a …

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Healthy Eating – Peaceful Vegan Feeling

  By Betsy Bruns Have you ever heard of the song “Peaceful Easy Feeling” by the Eagles?  I had that feeling recently when eating green rice for breakfast while gazing at our French Bulldog Buddha statue. The bully Buddha is purposefully placed across from the kitchen table to remind me …

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Healthy Eating – True Independence

  By Betsy Bruns We are already halfway through the year, and summer and sovereignty day are here. On July 4th, 1776, thirteen colonies claimed independence from England, leading to the formation of the United States.  Each year on the fourth of July, Americans celebrate the freedom and independence that …

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Healthy Eating – Orange You Ready for Fall?

By Betsy Bruns As a classic, October-born Libra, I love the fall by design. After all the summer fun and UV rays, cooler temperatures, brilliant colors, falling leaves and warming fires are welcome—as are pumpkins, root vegetables and sweet treats. Orange you ready for fall? It was not until I …

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5 Ways a Plant-Based Diet Can Improve your Life

By Meghan De Jong, RHN – You don’t have to look too deep into the health industry to realize there is a whole lot of buzz surrounding the topic of plant-based diets these days. In fact, according to research by Global Data (2017) there has been a 600% increase in …

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Healthy Eating – Don’t Labor Over Your Food Healthful Labor Day Recipes

  By Betsy Bruns Labor Day has been a bittersweet holiday for most of my life. Sweet because we were usually having a barbeque, attending one, or off on a road trip. Bitter because it signaled the end of summer fun. What is Labor Day and why do we celebrate …

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Healthy Eating – Could Food Scarcities Lead to Health Abundance?

By Betsy Bruns To what degree will food shortages plague us in 2022? So far, I’ve not had any problems finding staples and am holding a vision of plenty of good food and health abundance in the coming year. Quinoa, beans, lentils, rice, oats, nutritional yeast, condiments, and spices have …

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