Intuitives/Psychics » Business Directory

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Photo of Alessandra Gilioli, M.F.A.
Medium/Healer, Visionary Artist and Spiritual Coach
Work Phone: 1-872-301-2081 Website: Galactic Crystal Healing

Biographical Info

Medium/healer, visionary artist and spiritual coach, specializing in connecting to higher guides and emotional healing – unlocking human potential. Unblock and unlock your higher potential TODAY!

Services and Classes Offered.
Shamanic Teacher/Trainer.

  • Individual channeling clarifying ones spiritual path.
  • Individual counseling providing overall spiritual healing.
  • Can access your personal spiritual guides, angels and teachers, providing guidance and messages to you.
  • Trance and sound healing to access and aid higher.
  • Brain activity and function.
  • Individual and group work.

Available for:

  • Workshops
  • Retreats
  • Seminars
  • Classes
  • Individual or group training

Alessandra works with healing sacred sites world wide, clients spanning from the United States to Japan and Brazil among other countries. she works via Skype and in person.

Categories: Healers, Intuitives/Psychics, Talent Page
Updated 6 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Michael Whitcomb
Work Phone: 616-516-0194

Biographical Info

Michael Whitcomb began his metaphysical journey at the age of three. Often his mother witnessed signs indicating he was spiritually gifted. The most common sign was him striking up conversations with animals. His mother would watch in awe as the animals seemed to understand what he was saying and vice versa. At the age of six Michael became aware of his gifts and trained others on the school bus. He would use Play-Doh for visualization and songs to manifest their intent. At eleven he got his first deck of tarot cards and would walk to local coffee shops to do readings for customers. This experience gave him a deeper understanding that the gifts came from within and not the tarot. At fifteen Michael met his ritual teacher who taught him ritual magic and energy work for two and a half years. At nineteen Michael began Reiki training, and after four years he was certified as a Reiki Master Teacher. He has always been interested in astrology and started doing it professionally in 2011. Since then he has worked with thousands of clients. Each session will awaken your awareness within.

Categories: Healers, Intuitives/Psychics, Reiki Healers, Talent Page
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