Letter From The Publisher – August 2016


I can’t believe that August is right around the corner, and that the second half of summer is almost over! We have one more month of hot summer that we can enjoy, so hot or cool, let’s fully embrace it! August is a month FULL of festivals and expos that I invite you to attend. On August 6 & 7, the 12th Annual World of Faeries Festival will be held at the magical Vasa Park in South Elgin. It is a terrific festival for families, and for anyone who enjoys listening to live music, shopping from local area vendors, and being outdoors.

If you want to hear a variety of speakers talking about alternative health and spirituality, don’t miss the Body Mind Spirit Expo in Skokie. It is being held on August 20 & 21, and will have over 100 vendors with many great items, and information to assist you in your personal growth endeavors. Conscious Community Magazine will have displays at both events, so be sure to stop by and say hello. You can find out about other festivals and expos in this issue.

I am happy to share with you that in this issue we have two new columns, and many interesting articles. The first column that I want to introduce is Wisdom of the Angels, by Lori Daniel Falk. In her column she will write about how to find your life purpose and embrace it, be it, and live it, every day of your life.

The second new column is Live Kryon Channeling, by Lee Carroll, Ph.D.  The Kryon is an angelic entity that has been channeled for over 20 years, and shares amazing information about spirituality, consciousness, and life in general. You can listen to Kryon’s channeling messages on your computer, as well as reading them.

Have you ever thought about spending 10 days in silence – with no access to a cellphone, computer, notebook, or any form of communication for 10 days?! My friend and All About Town columnist, Theresa Puskar did when she signed up for a 10-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat. Upon her return, she called me, and left a message on my cellphone. I listened to her voicemail three times, with tears in my eyes. I could not believe how her voice had changed. Theresa had changed!

This week I also received a call from someone who talked about how everything is dying – she spoke of how life becomes less stable, and so much more stressful. I reflected on what has happened during the past few months of my life. While they have been very stressful, I have discovered something about myself. Despite the fact that my first reaction was to sit at home and do nothing, the best way for me to get over any fearful thoughts was to connect with the people that I care about, and to spend time outdoors.

Blair McKissock’s column is about this very subject. In “Finding the Keys to Peace in Nature,” she talks about horses and how they connect with nature. Doing so provides them with everything they need to live. Also, in her column, “Awaken the Senses Outdoors,” Cynthia Gran writes about opening your senses by being in nature, breathing, and feeling wholeness. There are many more incredible articles this month that will help you experience this summer, and your life more fully. Enjoy!

The Best,
Kasia Szumal

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