Publisher’s Letter – Spiritual Quest

By Katarzyna Szumal

Katarzyna (Kasia) Szumal Publisher

There are moments in our lives that change us forever. We meet someone you read some book or events happen that cause us to we feel that something inside ourselves is changing or changed… we start seeing and feeling completely differently. It feels like a layer of illusion just dropped, and we understand everything around us more clearly.  You can call this an awakening or a shift of consciousness, and suddenly you are on a new road, a new journey.

Those pivotal moments happened to me a few times during my life… and another is happening right now.  I received a call to go Europe for a mine spiritual quest, where I will be in nature — contemplating and fasting. I will write more information about my destination and experience in my next articles when I return.

Since I will not have access to the Internet during this trip, I will be not publishing any articles in June and July.

Until next time,


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