In Print-December 2015


In Print by Kayla Hancock


Be Your Own Fairy Tale: Working with Storytelling for Positive Life Change, by Alison Davies (Watkins Publishing, $16.95, Hardcover)

The art of story telling and the knowledge of symbolism can be very useful in overcoming obstacles in our lives. Alison Davies shows how we can use fairy tales to learn about ourselves and how aligning ourselves with characters from fairy tales can change the way we think and behave. She offers practical tips for working with symbols and story lines of fairy tales to boost creativity, build energy and confidence, and find our inner hero.

The Phoenix Generation: A New Era of Connection, Compassion, and Consciousness, by Kingsley L. Den  (Watkins Publishing, $15.95, Paperback)

In this book, Kingsley L. Dennis tells about the new generation, known as the “Phoenix Generation”. He explains how they will create a future that is radically different from the world that we live in today, shifting the focus of society from competition and control to connection and compassion. Dividing the book into three parts, Dennis explains: the problematic issues that the Phoenix Generation will solve, the changes we are enduring as technology evolves, and ways that the Phoenix Generation will be different from the generations that came before it.

Open the Doorway to Your Soul, by Maggie Chula  (Balboa Press, $14.99, Paperback)

Master teachers have a lot of knowledge to share with humanity. This book serves as an introduction to the work that the master teachers have channeled through Maggie Chula. Included are guided meditations, energy cleansing techniques, an introduction to the Akashic vibration, and vibrational healing sessions. Chula shares the wisdom of master teachers such as Isis, Archangel Raphael, Lakshmi, Apollo, Jesus, and many others in order to help us expand consciousness and connect with our divine self.

Atlantis and Lemuria: The Lost Continents Revealed, by Tom T. Moore (Light Technology Publishing, $16.95, Paperback)

Over 60 centuries ago, Earth contained a total of 9 continents. Unfortunately, two of these continents, known as Atlantis and Lemuria, disappeared. In this book, Tom Middle explains: what they looked like, what daily life was like, and of course, why they disappeared. He also touches on topics such as the arrival of Adam and Eve and the origin of the great flood


The Book of Secret Wisdom: The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution, by  Zinovia Dushkova (Radiant Books, $12.71 on Amazon, Paperback)

The Book of Dzyan, a manuscript written over a million years ago by the Great Masters of Wisdom, holds the secrets and source of every ancient science, religion, and philosophy. The Masters allow only few chosen ones every century to read some pages of this sacred text. This book provides 12 stanzas from the Book of Dzyan translated by Madame Blavatsky, as well as supplemental material that will enable you to understand the processes that our planet is currently enduring, discover the roots of the 2012 and 1999 prophecies, and see what is in store for humanity the future.


Mala of the Heart: 108 Sacred Poem, by Ravi Nathwani and Kate Vogt (New World Library, $13.95, Paperback)

This collection of poetry provides ancient wisdom from masters, saints, sages, and mystics. The 108 poems come from a range of various cultures around the world, each with a new perspective providing helpful and refreshing spiritual insights. Arranged loosely according to the heart-centered chakra model, these poems guide readers to higher awareness and self-realization. 

A Course in Spirituality: An Inspiring and Enthralling Journey into New Age Philosophies, by Alain Aristide (iUniverse, $21.95, Paperback) 

In this book, Alain Aristide sheds some light on the different paths to spiritual enlightenment. He references works of authors such as Eckhart Tolle, Ernest Holmes, and Esther Hicks. Multiple subjects such as telepathy, theology, hypnosis, healing, reincarnation, and many more are discussed. Aristide shares his own spiritual insights to inspire others to find their own path towards enlightenment.

Synchronicity: Empower Your Life with the Gift of Coincidence, by Chris Mackey (Watkins Publishing, $24.95, Hardcover)

Author and psychologist, Chris Mackey, believes that working with synchronicities is vital in helping us to go within and become connected with our spirituality.  He describes case studies and explains the science behind synchronicity. Calling for a more “positive psychology” approach in today’s society, Mackey shows how journaling, dream interpretation, and symbol analyses can help us develop into more self-actualized and self-fulfilled beings.


Clouds of Heaven, Beings of Light, by Sharon Kay Casey (Circle Books, $14.95, Paperback)

This is the true story of one woman’s struggle and triumph over abusive relationships and drug addiction. One day, Sharon Kay Casey heard God speak to her. “Trust me,” the voice said. This moment changed Sharon’s life. A few years after, she entered a place of divine, golden light and received beautiful messages, which she shares in this book for all to connect with.


Secular Meditation: 32 Practices for Cultivating Inner Peace, Compassion, and Joy — A Guide from the Humanist Community at Harvard, by Rick Heller (New World Library, $15.95, Paperback)

You don’t have to be religious to be compassionate, find clarity, or become awakened. In this book, Rick Heller provides 32 different meditation practices, ensuring that anyone can find what works for them. These practices are sure to help readers reduce stress, learn empathy towards others, and live in the moment. More importantly, the benefits of meditation stretch much further than the self, expanding into and affecting our relationships with others, our communities, and our world in the most positive way.

The Conscious Activist: Where Activism Meets Mysticism, by James O’Dea (Watkins Publishing, $14.95, Paperback)

 In this book, James O’Dea pursues the idea of a meeting ground between the world of spirituality and action. Specifically, he provides deep reflections of what it means to have mystical realizations and the demands of activism. He suggests that the integration of mystical realization and effective activism has the power to permanently change the course of humanity and clear its course of self-destruction. O’Dea reminds us that, when we are awakened, we truly have the power to bring heaven to Earth by moving past the ego and using passion and consciousness to create social change.

The Slow Down Diet: Eating for Pleasure, Energy, and Weight Loss, by Marc David (Healing Arts Press, $14.95, Paperback)

Quick fix diets and fad diets are based on myths. Marc David explains the major pitfalls of popular diets and shows that, when it comes to weight loss, it is all about changing our relationship with food. He presents an 8 week program that assists readers in letting go of old habits as well as anxiety, guilt, and fear about food. According to David, we must attend to our body, mind, and spirit to enhance digestion and to really enjoy each and every meal…which is the optimal way to a healthy body.

Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul, by Claire Dunne (Watkins Publishing, $27.95, Paperback)

This must-have illustrated biography of Carl Jung offers a unique perspective of his life.  Featuring excerpts from his letters and writings, this book reveals Jung as seen by those who were closest to him, including friend and mentor Sigmeund Freud, his patients, and the two women in his life, Emma Jung and Toni Wolff.
Included are color reproductions of Jung’s paintings, as well as artwork by ancient and contemporary artists that reflect his teachings.


Kayla Hancock is 21 years old and humbled to be able work for both Conscious Community Magazine and a healthy carry out restaurant. She is a certified Deeksha blessing giver and loves helping others find guidance using her tarot cards.  She also loves to write and is interested in astrology, holistic health, and dreamwork.

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