In Print – March 2022

By Kayla Hancock

Divine Messengers:  The Untold Story of Bhutan’s Female Shamans, by Guyer-Stevens and Francoise Pommaret (Shambhala, $18.95, Paperback)

 To create this book, journalist, Stephanie Guyer-Stephens, and anthropologist, Francois Pommaret, traveled to the Himalayas to meet seven Bhutan female shamans who wanted their stories heard. Often referred to as “sky-goers”, deloms (returners from dead) or reincarnations, these mystics continue to impact the Bhutanese by acting as mediums for local spirits, curing illness with prayer and astrally travelling to the realm of the dead. Guyer-Stevens and Pommaret give readers a close look at the spiritual experiences of these women and their strong affect that they have in society. Also provided is a summarized history of this mediumship work and a translated autobiography of Sangay Choezom.


Earth Medicines:  Ancestral Wisdom, Healing Recipes, and Wellness Rituals from a Curandera, by Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz (Roost Books, $22.46, Hardcover)

 Within this modern guide book contains healing recipes and practices that draw upon the powers of the elements. Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz, a curandera (traditional healer) of Xicana with Tew ancestry, empowers readers to become their own healers by using the elements for healing the body, mind, and spirit. She shares rituals, advice, and recipes — such as how to promote inner harmony with a DIY Rosemary Tonic, how to nurture beauty using a Sweeetwater HerbalMouth Rinse, and how to honor spirit with an altar.


Crystal Protection from 5G and EMF Pollution, by Barb Newerla (Earthdancer Books, $9.99, Paperback)

In this handheld guide, Barbara Newerla gives an in-depth explanation of 5G technology and the effects electromagnetic pollution has on living organisms. Newerla emphasizes how important it is that we protect ourselves from electromagnetic stress and explores the use of anti-electromagnetic pollution crystals. Honing in on 5 essential crystals, she explains exactly what crystals can and cannot do to protect us from electromagnetic stress. Also provided is a directory with another 35 healing crystals for additional support.


Love, God, and Everything:  Awakening from the Long, Dark Night of the Collective Soul, by Nicolya Christi (Bear & Company, $20, Paperback)

Earth is undergoing a planetary shift that will challenge us all to awaken to our true potential. Nicolya Christi takes a deep dive into the details of this “Great Shift of Ages” by sharing her own personal experiences of the divine. She also explores spiritual wisdom from ancient cultures and highlights different practices to help with psychospiritual integration.


Twisted Roots, Standing Tall:  My Journey to Heal, Learn, and Rise from the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse, by Anne de Nada (IUniverse, $34.99, Hardcover)

Anne de Nada was born into a family of incest, poverty, and child abuse. She recounts her journey — starting with her traumatizing childhood through to the darkness of the soul — finally ending with her finding peace and love. De Nada reveals the therapeutic steps she took and how her intuition guided her through her soul’s need to heal her family’s generational trauma. Her journey reminds us of the strength, power, and courage of the human spirit.


 Holistic Medicine and the Extracellular Matrix:  The Science of Healing at the Cellular Level (Sacred Planet), by Matthew Wood (Healing Arts Press, $19.99, Paperback)

You can think of the Extracellular Matrix (ECM) as an ocean containing and controlling all of the cells within each human body. Matthew Wood explores groundbreaking research on the ECM, focusing on its implications and how it supports holistic therapies. Wood also presents old and new holistic treatments of the matrix.


Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.

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