In Print – April 2022

By Kayla Hancock

Spirituality Will Save The World: The Beginner’s Guide to Self-Realization, by Sally Smith (O-books, $14.95, Paperback)

Our modern world is full of polarization and disparity — that is why it is important now, more than ever before, that we seek self-realization. Sally Smith emphasizes the importance of each person’s own individual spiritual growth in order for the collective to grow as a whole. Smith seamlessly combines ancient wisdom, as well as personal experiences, in this light-read, to encourage readers to discover their beliefs and to live more intentionally.


Awakening Minds: 10 Life Lessons for a Conscious Culture, by David J. Wallace and Gabrielle Mabazza (Illustrator), (Leaping Hare Press, $14.95, Paperback)

 Broken down into ten empowering life lessons, this colorfully illustrated self-help guide presents like none you have experienced before. David J. Wallace encourages readers to realize a happier and more-aware state of being with mindful prompts, meditative practices, and visualizations. With a focus on social justice, this book is an essential companion for those who wish to cultivate a more conscious and fair way of life.


 Flowering Into Awareness: A Spiritual Manifesto for the 21st Century,  by Pathik Strand (O-books, $10.00, Paperback)

 This collection of inspiring essays on the nature of reality, details the main challenges our world faces today, and what it will take to resolve them. This is a great book for anyone ready to question everything in order to find their own truth; as well as for anyone dedicated to the ever-evolving journey of their own spiritual growth.


Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships,  by Elisa Romeo and Adam Foley (New World Library, $17.95, Paperback)

 If we can’t create a loving relationship with ourselves, how can we expect to create a loving relationship with someone else? Elisa Romeo and Adam Foley bring together principles of psychology and spirituality in a new groundbreaking method to help readers reconnect with and deepen their relationship with themselves and create fulfilling relationships with others. This method empowers us to use our own wisdom and light to help resolve conflicts in all types of relationships. Included are various journal prompts and meditations to help readers connect to their sacred truth.


 Becoming Soul: Seven Steps to Heaven, by El Alma (Balboa Press AU, $3.96, Paperback)

In this book, El Alma shares the stories of Asina and Nettie to encourage and inspire readers to continue with their own soul journeys. The tales of these women enable the author to introduce the seven stages one passes through within the cycle of remembering one’s soul. The narratives offer an insightful look at soul growth — which constantly presents the choice to either go home or to stay and help other souls on their own journey.



The Buddha and the Bard: Where Shakespeare’s Stage Meets Buddhist Scriptures,  by Lauren Shufran PhD (Mandala Publishing, $16.99, Hardcover)

 Despite the cultural and historical divide, there are some interesting connections between the teachings of the Buddha and the writings of Shakespeare. Lauren Schufran sparks a compelling dialogue between eastern philosophy and western drama by pairing Shakespeare quotes with tenets of eastern spirituality. Schufran synthesizes literature and religious text as well as drama and spiritual practice in a way that can be applied to readers’ daily mindfulness practices.



Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.

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