Letter From The Publisher-December 2015


by Walter Perschke

We are now completing three years in the energy of 2012. I recall vividly the debates, analysis and multitude of programs focused on December 21, 2012. There were many documentaries and pseudo- documentaries being produced and shown in theaters large and small, including one major studio production with Hollywood stars. But that intense interest stopped when the world failed to end on December 22.
I was a speaker at an internationally televised conference on that day, sponsored by Barbara Marx Hubbard and her Conscious Evolutionaries group. My presentation was on the nature of things to come, a forecast of the changes we could expect in the coming years and decades. Some of those changes have already taken place, many are in process now, and some we will just have to wait to unfold. I finished my presentation and went downstairs from the main room for a cup of coffee. It had already been a long day and it was about to get longer, as an unanticipated and very amusing scenario played out. The speaker following me was so convinced that, according to his understanding and the understanding of many others about the Mayan prophesies, that the world was about to end, that he had prepared absolutely nothing to share with the international audience and sent a messenger to ask me for help. Would I please come back to the podium and have a public conversation and Q & A with him to fill his allotted time slot? I must say that it was the most unusual request I have received in many years, perhaps in a lifetime. I was happy to oblige and rescue my colleague. Perhaps he was the only person to be saved from the result of the world not ending!
“The Science of Miracles,” an excellent DVD with Greg Braden narrating, was screened as the last of the Spiritual Learning Center’s current movie series. The discussion that followed was provocative, with many interesting questions to stimulate the lengthy conversations that followed. There is so much to share within the group energy while hearing a variety of perspectives on the film. It surprises me that more seekers don’t avail themselves of the opportunity to participate in these screenings and discussions, or just sit and listen to them. 
December is historically a slow month for spiritual events, and rightly so. There is enough holiday activity to keep us all busy. I will be conducting a traditional burning bowl meditation and ceremony at Crystal River Gifts in South Elgin on Tuesday December 29th at 7 p.m. for those of you who are in the area. There will be follow-up meditations at other locations on attracting the new and manifesting your heart’s desires as we begin the new year.
As part of my tradition, there will be a potluck with wine ‘meet and greet’ following the regular Thursday night meditation on December 3rd at the Spiritual Learning Center in Burr Ridge. All are invited. Plan to attend. Call for details.
Until next time, 

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