The New/Full Moon Energy for April 2022


By Donna Stellhorn

The month of April begins with the new moon in Aries on April 1. This brings a focus on independence, self-reliance, and taking action. This is a “work hard, play hard” energy. When obstacles arise, this brings enough speed and determination to leap over hurdles. And there will be some hurdles. This is a great time to start a new business, take up a new exercise or sport, or make major changes to the house.

On April 4, Mars makes a conjunction with Saturn. This is good energy for tackling something difficult, knowing it’s going to be a hard slog. This is a day for lifting weights, building a house, or doing your taxes.

On April 12, Jupiter makes a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. This is a rare occurrence. This aspect increases intuition, expands boundaries of the mind, and embraces the spiritual. It heightens the awareness of that which unites all living things. It facilitates unraveling the mysteries of the Universe.

The full moon in Libra is on April 16. You may be getting together with old friends and renewing past acquaintances. You can strengthen the connections you already have. During this moon cycle, you may attend a party or two. People around you are more social, getting together for potlucks and picnics.

There is a solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30, bringing attention to personal finances. This energy is about creating a firm financial foundation and cultivating general prosperity consciousness. Avoid getting caught up in other people’s financial drama. Trust in yourself and your ability to attract financial abundance. This is a good time to look at your budget, investments, and spending plans. You can find ways to make your financial foundation stronger and more secure.


Technology and devices can be challenging this month. You’ll need to tackle this head-on, but a breakthrough is possible. When it comes to love, taking responsibility is the key to harmony. A new love could become quite serious. You’re likely to be goal-oriented this month. A financial windfall is possible when you take direct action on a business idea. But the lunar eclipse brings lessons around your finances. It may be necessary for you to move money around to make sure everything is covered.


There’s a career opportunity for you this month, but it’s outside of your comfort zone. It’s likely you want this, but you may need some convincing before moving forward. This month, you’ll need more alone time, so schedule a spa day. You may be less interested in partnerships and romance now. Promised money likely arrives late. They say the check is in the mail, but you may need to make a phone call to make it happen. The lunar eclipse asks you to trust yourself and to move forward with confidence.


Education and gathering knowledge poses as a challenge because someone or something is standing in your way. You’ll need determination to get the information you need. Love could blossom out of a friendship. This may happen suddenly and spontaneously. You may pursue a moneymaking opportunity that’s connected to technology. The lunar eclipse helps increase your psychic ability. You’re more apt to take action based on gut feelings and follow your heart rather than sticking to your usual plans.


A resource you are counting on may not be available, but there is an alternative if you’re willing to look at other options. Romance is intense this month. You may get involved in a physical relationship very quickly. A big financial opportunity is connected to a job you don’t really enjoy performing. It’s hard to deny something in which you could profit. The lunar eclipse could bring a challenge in a friendship and a question about sharing. Someone close to you may ask you to make an investment or give him or her a loan.


A relationship becomes much stronger when you focus on a shared goal. This is especially true if you do a business with a partner. A very romantic time is possible, and you may be traveling together. A payment for school or education puts a dent in your wallet. The lunar eclipse could bring a change at your job. You may get a new supervisor or an opportunity for a promotion. If you’re looking for a new job, you may get a lucrative and prestigious offer this month. It’s a new beginning.


You’re really putting in the hours this month. It’s likely you’re doing the work of three people. It would be a good idea to ask for help. Intimate energy is very strong. A casual relationship may become romantic. If you’re already in a committed relationship, you may feel like you’re dating again. There’s positive financial energy, and you could receive a loan or an excellent interest rate when refinancing. The lunar eclipse may throw a monkey wrench in your travel plans. It’ll be necessary to be flexible.


You may be struggling with a creative project. It will take more work to manifest your vision than you thought. One of your kids needs more help than usual. A romantic relationship gets serious — there may be talk of marriage or living together. More money is possible this month, but it means working more hours and forgoing some time off. The lunar eclipse focuses your attention on investments and interest rates. You and your partner may have a long discussion about money matters, and reach a consensus.


There are some challenges at home when you’re asked to take sides in a family argument. A construction project comes to a close. Love could come in the form of someone who is not usually your type. Someone surprises you by asking you on a date. A sum of money may come from speculation or a risk that you took earlier in the year. The eclipse could bring a significant new person into your life. They may be a mentor, influencer, or someone with whom to collaborate. A business partnership could form.


It’s possible you are reviewing a contract or addressing some important correspondence. You may be struggling to arrive at appropriate verbiage. A spontaneous night out turns romantic, and you may dance the night away. You may be tempted to take a financial risk with a new type of investment. You may be doing some speculation or heading to a casino. The lunar eclipse could inspire you to get fit or train for a marathon. Some important information comes through an older relative on your family tree.


This month, you’re serious about handling your money, setting up investments, sticking to a budget, and reviewing retirement planning. Familial relationships grow closer as the family joins forces for a common goal. Relatives may be coming to visit for an extended stay, or there could be a new pet in the home. The lunar eclipse challenges you to follow your passion. This may involve a creative project, seeking fertility assistance, or starting your own business. Thoughts and plans turn into action.


You may be changing your appearance or hairstyle, or getting a new wardrobe. People are complimenting you on your new style. You may be pursued for a love relationship. There is a lot of communication with a romantic partner. You may find creative inspiration as well as a new way of making money. You may be presented with a contract for a business opportunity or a new job. The lunar eclipse brings changes at home. You may decide to move, do extensive renovations, or redecorate the house.


You are wisely setting boundaries in April. People are pulling you in multiple directions, and everyone wants your attention. You may have to say “no” quite often. A friend or acquaintance professes their love and admiration for you. You may be pursued by a person from your past. A financial windfall is possible, but it will take action and communication to secure the cash. The lunar eclipse could bring a contract for you to review which might be for employment or a large purchase. Read it carefully.

Donna Stellhorn is an astrologer, Feng Shui expert and author of 15 books. Her website is You can follow her on Instagram @donnastellhorn or see her videos on YouTube at

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