Unconditional Love
By Katarzyna Szumal
Welcome to the February issue of Conscious Community Magazine! This issue is about unconditional love—the one love that connects all of us and expands our perception of life. This is the one love that connects everyone and everything on the planet and gives us the strength and power to do what we are designed to do. This is the love that does not judge, nor does it come from the head—but from your heart!
In this issue, you will find articles that will expand your consciousness of love, self-love, and the ego. Alan Cohen reminds us in his monthly From the Heart column that we only find the love of our life when we learn to love ourselves and that “whole people create whole relationships.” Betsy Bruns offers some fun and healthful food ideas that help us to show ourselves self-love by nourishing our bodies with a whole-food plant-based diet. Also, Stephanie Jarmuth explains the Conscious, Subconscious, and the Ego, and how they influence our lives—even when we are not aware of it—and how we can use them to improve our lives. Additionally, astrologer and Feng Shui expert Donna Stellhorn offers Feng Shui tips that will help welcome in prosperity in 2020!
For those who are not on the Conscious Community Magazine email list or did not see the email about the upcoming changes in the magazine, we decided to spend December researching and strategizing to better serve our community. Thus, we didn’t print a January 2020 issue. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. We are so glad to be back this month! We love Conscious Community Magazine and hope you do too. So, if you are interested in its long-term survival, we welcome any assistance we can get and will keep putting in hard work and our best efforts to keep sailing into the future. If you would like to join us in this endeavor, please don’t hesitate to give me a call at 847-966-1110, or send an email to Kasia@ConsciousCommunityMagazine. Your valued input and brilliant ideas have been at the root of all we have accomplished during the past 40 years. Thank you for your continued support!
The Best,
Kasia Szumal
Hi, there!
I love reading your publication!