Re-Writing History and Creating our Own: Wayne Dyer, Sound Healing, and 9/11

Sound Healing, Steven Halpern

Re-Writing History and Creating our Own: Wayne Dyer, Sound Healing, and 9/11 by Steven Halpern 

Column: Sound Matters

I’ve been delayed in writing this month’s article due to a recent fall that injured my right wrist and jaw.  I am grateful that it was not worse, and I’m learning a lot about living with the use of only one arm.

I have even more empathy for wounded warriors and so many others. Daily challenges, like opening a bottle of juice, are daunting. I affirm a full and speedy recovery, yet also recognize the reality of these kinds of accidents for people my age.

Perhaps not so coincidentally, one of the projects I had just finished was a new audio program for PAIN RELIEF. It features some of my latest compositions, combined with brainwave entrainment and subliminal affirmations. Needless to say, I have been listening to it, and it feels like it’s helping.

I hope to have the MP3 available on my website in October and for the public shortly thereafter. Stay tuned for the announcement in the next article.  I did not expect to “field test” it in this way, however.

Sound Healing, Music, Steven Halpern 

Belief, Knowing, and Programming
I was planning to write about a few new books on sound healing that contain some useful information, a lot of misinformation, and so much bias and disingenuousness that several of my colleagues had refused to write endorsements. Most readers would have no clue that there is so much backstory and intrigue going on in the field of sound healing, so we’ll be responding to that in the near future.

In the early 1970s, the old cliché, “You’ll believe it when you see it,” was updated to, “You’ll see it when you believe it.” Researchers cited historical accounts of indigenous populations not being able to ‘see’ the large boats of the Spanish conquistadors because such things did not exist in their reality.

Two of the more prominent authors who have helped awaken millions to their own perceptual blinders are Dr. Eldon Taylor and Dr. Wayne Dyer. As you may know, Wayne made his peaceful and unexpected transition on August 30th. There is so much that I’d like to say to acknowledge Wayne’s contributions to the world.

Given my own sudden physical limitations, let me suggest that you read James Redfield’s heartfelt tribute at Unlike most media coverage, James (author of The Celestine Prophecy) highlights Wayne’s spiritual journey and evolution beyond his first bestseller, Your Erroneous Zones.

If you’ve read any of his more recent books, seen him on PBS, or at a Hay House event, you know how eloquent he was in presenting age-old insights with his own kind of channeling  (though I don’t know if he used that term).

The day before his passing, I was guided to listen to part of his Making The Shift CD package. His passing the next day took on an extra level of personal resonance, as I also flashed on the multiple times I had the honor to share the stage with him in concert and at conferences.  

I especially appreciated his popularization of “getting in the gap.” This is the same basic technique I have always used when I’m recording, which I described as “getting in the space between the notes.”

If you are interested in adding more of Wayne’s world to your personal library, Hay House has a special offer this month thru Amazon: Kindle eBooks for only $1.99!

As I write this on 9/11, I reflect on the many ways that event has changed our world, not the least of which is our perception of reality, and how the cover story became accepted as fact. 

My wrist is letting me know I must stop now.

Until next time,
Be well,

Steven Halpern

Steven Halpern is a Grammy® award-nominated composer and sound healer. His latest release, MINDFUL PIANO: MUSIC FOR MEDITATION is already being heralded as a breakthrough in achieving mindfulness at the speed of sound. Hear samples and read more at

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