The New/Full Moon Energy for September 2022

By Donna Stellhorn

The month of September begins with Venus entering the sign of Virgo on September 5. Your thoughts may turn to practical considerations like education, healthy eating, and taking care of the home. Venus is very concerned with likes and dislikes. And you may find that something you disliked in the past, which could be anything from tweed to Brussels sprouts to TikTok, you’re starting to like. Your tastes are changing.

On September 9, Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Libra. Mercury retrograde is a time to go back and reconsider a position, redo an action, or revisit a situation. It’s likely you are looking at your connections with other people, especially close relationships.

The full moon in Pisces is on September 10. This is the first full moon we’ve had in a while that is not doing difficult aspects. So this could be a peaceful time, at least for a couple of weeks. Being that it’s the full moon, this is a good time for parties and get-togethers. And over the course of the following two weeks, look at what you can release, do some decluttering, or let go of an emotional burden.

On September 23, the sun enters the sign of Libra, highlighting relationships, partnerships and collaboration. It also causes you to look at the balance you have in your life. On the same day, Mercury retrograde enters the sign of Virgo, and then it will be time to revise your schedule, reflect on your health habits, or reshape your work routines.

The new moon in Libra is on September 25. It’s making a tight opposition to Jupiter. This is a happy combination where you can come together with like-minded people to start something new. But it’s also very easy to go overboard. You may spend too much time on one thing and find little time for anything else. Or you may obsess about someone you’ve met, giving them all your thought and attention. But in general, this is a happy time.

Finally, on September 29, Venus enters Libra. This is a very comfortable placement for Venus. And you may find that you have an increased interest in art, design, and aesthetics. You may do things to beautify yourself. This is also a good time to look at relationships and to see if there is a balance between giving and receiving.


This month is all about going places. There’s a focus on transportation and destinations. You could be making travel plans. You may be rethinking a love relationship or other partnership as Mercury goes retrograde. It’s time to make detailed calculations with your finances and focus on the pennies. It’s possible to pick up some extra money or some extra hours at work. A social occasion may be canceled or postponed. And so, at the last minute, you have extra time to do something else that you enjoy.


This month it’s all about likes and dislikes. Consider trying some new foods or new products. Visit a new place. You may find that you have a new favorite. You may be rethinking your job. This could mean changing your hours, changing the workflow, or looking for a new job entirely. Some promised money doesn’t show up when you expect it. You may have to make a phone call and remind someone what they owe you. A social event turns out to be a much bigger occasion than you anticipated.


In September, there is a great deal of focus on children, pets, and creativity. These are the things that are going to take up a lot of time and energy. Problems that you thought were solved now need a new solution. A friend might be interested in a romantic relationship with you, or they want to fix you up with someone they know. You may be more frugal this month, and you might even find it fun to save money. A friend may invite you to a social occasion, but they want you to help out as well.


This month there’s a great deal of focus on family patterns. You may see your actions mirrored in your children or in your parents. You and your partner may have a deep discussion about finances that puts you on a better financial track. You may hear from a sibling or cousin you haven’t spoken to in a while. Or you may get together with a neighbor or meet someone moving in. You may be interested in attending a concert or social event, but it turns out to be more expensive than you thought.


In September, finances are on your mind, and you may receive an increase in your salary or a job opportunity that’s going to lead to more money. There may be a point of contention between you and your friend that redone can be worked out through a discussion, but it’s uncertain that they’re ready to talk. You could be very busy right now with social events, school, and things happening in the community. You seem to be on everybody’s invitation list. You may be the guest of honor at an event.


September puts you in the spotlight. More people notice you and your social calendar could be quite full. At the same time, you may be working more hours. And if you’re looking for a job, you could get an offer this month. A new relationship could take an intimate turn in the two of you could get much, much closer. There may be a really fun event you want to go to, but it’s at some distance, or transportation is an issue. It’s possible you are looking for a new vehicle or someone to share a ride with.


This month there’s a great deal of focus on friendships in the community. You may be doing your part for a group you belong to or doing some charity work. If you are in a serious relationship, you may talk about getting married or renewing your vows. If you’re looking for love, you could meet someone at school, while traveling, or at your church. You’re keeping a very close eye on your money this month. You may be very interested in becoming debt-free, so you may avoid doing any extra shopping.


In September, There’s a great deal of focus on the resources that you have available to you. You may get approved for a low-interest loan or mortgage. Someone may help you get a business started. If you’re looking for love, you can find a very attractive person who is interested in you. You and your sweetheart may attend a high-profile event. But for the most part, there’s a desire to stay closer to home or to be far away in an exotic location. A career opportunity is delayed but could manifest in October.


This month there is a lot of focus on creativity and risk-taking. It’s likely you want to put some excitement into your life by doing something different. This may include an impromptu trip. If you’re looking for love, you could meet the person while doing a community event or going to a Meetup group. A financial agreement could lead to more money in your pocket but read the fine print carefully before signing. A social event connected to education could bring you new friends and contacts.


In the month of September, your focus is on making money and how to maximize your revenue streams. There could be additional hours you can work, or your side business is starting to do better. You also might receive some information about a better position at work. You and your partner may be socializing more, seeing friends and extended family. You might be reuniting with people you haven’t seen in a while or going to a reunion of sorts. You have luck when it comes to home and real estate.


This month you are seen as more confident and able to handle a leadership role. There may be some uncertainty in your career, but this could lead to an opportunity that is ripe for the taking. A romantic relationship gets closer as you share secrets with each other. One of your kids or a younger relative shares their success with you. There may be a party in your neighborhood, or you may be inviting local people to your home for a celebration. An investment you’ve held onto starts to do much better.


In September, your financial picture improves. Revenue is flowing in, or you may get a one-time sum of money. You may also be looking at your budget and making some adjustments. You may make a new friend. This person may be connected to your job, or you meet them in school. There’s a lot of energy going on at home. You may be thinking about moving, or someone is moving in with you. You may turn down several social invitations because you want to spend more time at home or you’re on the road.

Donna Stellhorn is an astrologer, Feng Shui expert and author of 15 books. Her website is You can follow her on Instagram @donnastellhorn or see her videos on YouTube at

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