The New/Full Moon Energy for May 2022


By Donna Stellhorn

The month of May begins with the new moon and Solar Eclipse that happened on April 30. Last month we talked about how this energy is connected to your finances. This eclipse is also about valuing the earth, the objects and people in our lives, as well as ourselves. This is a time to review what is important to you, and your appreciation of the natural beauty of the earth as well as the smiles of friends and loved ones.

On May 10, Jupiter enters Aries. Your desire to take action and have excitement expands. You’re looking for adventure. It’s likely that you want to see new places, learn new things, and meet new people. Jupiter will be in Aries until October 27.

Mercury is retrograde in Gemini-Taurus from May 10 to June 3. This can cause some foul-ups with communication and communication devices like your phone or tablet. This can be a difficult time to buy a car. But it’s a perfect time to do things you like to repeat, like going on vacation or attending parties.

There is a full moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 16. Scorpio wants the truth. This eclipse is about telling the truth from fiction. You may be analyzing the information you receive from others and the media. You can also get a clearer picture of how you are seen by others. And others may confess their secrets to you.

On May 21, the Sun enters Gemini. Spring is here, and over the next four weeks, there are social events to attend and friends to see. You may be catching up with people with whom you haven’t talked to in a long while.

On May 24, Mars (the planet of action), enters Aries. Mars feels at home in the sign of Aries. You may see everyone around you rushing from thing to thing. You can get caught up in the motion of everything needing to be done “right now.” Tempers can flare if people feel delayed or blocked.

And finally, on May 30, there’s a new moon in Gemini. You may have more interaction with neighbors and siblings. Your car may need some TLC, or you may be looking at different ways of getting around town. This is a good time to write, teach, or learn something new.


There’s a great deal of focus on money for you this month. You may receive a windfall, or an additional source of income could start to flow in. At the same time, it’s important to keep track of your money, or it will be “easy come, easy go”.  You and your partner may sneak off for a secret romantic activity. You might meet at an out-of-the-way place. There are career opportunities if you want a new job. There’s also an emphasis on getting a good night’s sleep. You might want to get some blackout curtains.


You are getting a lot of attention this month. Your charisma is high, and if you’re looking for love, you may meet someone with whom you have a lot in common. You can also attract new friends who could become real assets in your life. There could be a small increase in finances through a bonus or side business. And this is a good time to ask for a raise. You may be invited to a party with an exotic theme or that is held in a distant location. This month, it’s good to take care of yourself with a spa day.


You may receive lots of recognition at work (perhaps more than you want). Someone may be trying to push you into a position of more responsibility. There’s an opportunity to change jobs or transfer within the company. You and your partner may have a big announcement for friends and family, and a spontaneous celebration could be the result. You could be working on a creative project behind the scenes. A decision about your education or your kid’s school will have to be made pretty soon.


You may feel quite spiritually connected this month. You may be going back to church or joining a spiritual group. Making more money at your job is quite possible. You may make more in commission or get a raise. This month, it’s possible you’re traveling to a lovely place near an ocean or a large lake. If you’re looking for love, you may find it through a friend. Someone is waiting to introduce you. If you’re in school, you’ll need to work to stay focused. Your distracted mind is craving new experiences.


You are rising to the top this month. You may get a promotion or take a leadership role for a group. You could receive some recognition or an award. You may do some public speaking or lead a meeting. There’s a lot of positive intimate energy for you and your partner. There could be more hanky-panky than usual. There are some delays around refinancing or loan paperwork, but be patient and things will work out okay. A close friend tells you some surprising news that may be life-changing for him or her.


You may have a new way of looking at something that leads to big changes in your life. A sudden interest in a subject could help you find a new career or hobby. There’s a very strong relationship energy for you this month. If you’re looking to meet someone new, let friends and family know that you’re willing to go on a blind date or two. Completing some paperwork could bring you a sum of money, but you’ll have to be patient because the check will be late. An investment could really pay off.


This month you may be focused on what resources are available to you. You may get an extended credit line or excellent investment advice. You can find other resources too for building a website, installing solar power, or deciphering an employment contract. A romantic relationship is possible if you make the time. You look extra busy at work, and you may be filling in for someone on leave. You may start a new exercise program like water aerobics or hot yoga. Someone tells you a valuable secret.


Many people want to see you. You could be involved in a group or attend a big event. Relationship energy is quite strong, and the two of you may decide as a couple to make a big change. There is also energy around children, fertility, and pets. There may be a new addition to the family arriving this month. This could cause you to spend more money than usual, but it’s for a good cause. A new investment or moneymaking opportunity appears. Someone in your industry could offer you a job.


There’s a great deal of activity happening at your job. You may be training new staff, or perhaps the job is new to you. You could install new software that will be great, but right now is a learning curve. There’s also a lot of activity at home. You may have friends and relatives visiting. At the same time, there could be renovations, or repairs connected to water. A contract you are expecting is delayed or needs to be sent back for corrections, but success is possible. A new relationship or friendship develops.


You’re quite focused on having fun this month. It’s been a while since you really cut loose. This might mean you’re going on vacation or engaging in a new hobby. There is a lot of activity around siblings and younger relatives. You may be traveling outside of your town for a visit. Some money could be made through speculation or a type of investment you’ve never done before. You may be working on a creative project that receives a lot of compliments and admiration from others.


Home and family are taking a lot of your time and energy this month. You may enjoy spending time at home, especially now that you’re finishing up renovations or decorating projects. You may have some houseguests as well. Finances are improving, but you may do some extra spending. Something you’ve wanted for a long time is a really good price now. If you’re dating, you may bring your sweetheart home to meet your family. You may have a job offer from someone with whom you’ve known for a long time.


You may be dealing with paperwork this month. It’s possible you’re going paperless, so you are scanning and shredding. This month, you are more noticeable, and this is excellent energy for attracting a love relationship. You can also make new friends. Some noise or construction in the neighborhood finally comes to an end. You may receive overdue recognition from your boss. You have a lot more energy this month. You may take up swimming or some other form of exercise to give you a boost.

Donna Stellhorn is an astrologer, Feng Shui expert and author of 15 books. Her website is You can follow her on Instagram @donnastellhorn or see her videos on YouTube at

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