The New/Full Moon Energy for August 2022

By Donna Stellhorn

The month of August begins with the powerhouse aspect of Mars conjunct Uranus conjunct the North Node at 18° of Taurus. This is such a rare aspect that the energy will unfold for several weeks or even months. Wherever this trio falls in your chart, you want to break free and do something different. It is especially going to affect Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

Mars then moves to square Saturn on August 7. Success comes when you move cautiously and slowly. This can be a frustrating time when you may not feel you can adequately do the job or that people doubt your abilities. But if you do your homework and enter into situations well prepared, you will rise to the top and receive recognition from those around you.

The full moon in Aquarius is on August 11 and makes a direct square to the Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction. This activates this energy, and so you can now take action on decisions you made earlier in the month.

On August 14, Mars makes a trine to Pluto. This is a very ambitious aspect and allows you the ability to take on big projects. This is a time to formulate plans for long-term efforts, do a timeline, and put it into your calendar. You can also discover other people’s secrets at this time.

Mars enters the sign of Gemini on August 20. It will remain in Gemini until March 25, 2023. This is an unusually long time for Mars to be in a sign. During this time, you will generate a lot of ideas, have strong opinions and run into a lot of argumentative people. Everyone will be trying to convince people that their opinions are correct. This will be a time of lots of debate.

The new moon in Virgo is on August 27, and you have increased energy for taking care of mundane tasks for about two weeks. This new moon is making an exact square to Mars, the planet of action. You may be much busier than usual, but you also have more energy to tackle your big to-do list.


The focus for you this month is around confidence and putting yourself out there and the world. People will believe in you when you believe in yourself. Most of the changing energy is in your house of finances. This means that there are big opportunities coming down the pike when you think big. Mars in Gemini will travel through your house of vehicles, siblings, and neighbors, bringing lots of communication in these areas. The new moon brings renewed interest in your health, exercise, and diet.


There’s a lot of energy around self-care this month. You are likely looking at ways to get a better night’s sleep. There is a lot of change energy in your own sign of Taurus. This means you can change almost anything in your life right now, and others will step up to help you as you do. Mars in Gemini will travel through your house of money and self-worth, bringing you a myriad of opportunities for new sources of revenue and a stronger sense of self. The new moon could bring romance to your door.


Friendships are highlighted this month. You may be around more people now than you have been in years. You may be making some major changes in your life by letting go of bad habits, addictions or obsessions. You can now let go of what has been a struggle in the past. Mars in your own sign of Gemini brings you opportunities for love relationships, partnerships and collaborations. The new moon brings changes at home. It’s possible that someone is moving in or moving out.


Career stuff is on your mind this month. It’s possible you are in line for a promotion or some recognition in your job. Major changes in your life happen around friendships and how you interact in the community. There may be several interesting social invitations. You may meet many new people. Mars in Gemini will travel through your house of spirituality and intuition. You may take up a spiritual practice such as meditation or yoga. The new moon could bring a contract of some importance.


The big focus for you now is education. You or your kids may be going back to school, and so everything is about backpacks, homework, and getting into the groove. There are some major changes going on in your career. Your company may be going through a merger, or you might be getting a new job. Mars in Gemini will travel through your house of friendships and community, bringing you many new friends and opportunities to get involved. The new moon brings an intriguing money opportunity.


The emphasis this month is on resources, both financial as well as help from others. You can get credit, a loan, or the information you need. There are some major changes in how you define freedom. You may be thinking about moving a long distance or doing more traveling. Mars in Gemini travels through your house of career, bringing you more than one career opportunity. You could change jobs or get a new manager. The new moon in your own sign of Virgo brings a new project with great possibilities.


Relationships of all kinds are highlighted. You may be meeting new people for collaboration or friendship. And a new love relationship is possible. There are some major changes in your attitudes about credit, debt, and investments. You could get on a great financial track now. Mars in Gemini moves through your house of education and travel. You may be taking classes or learning a great deal by going to some new places. The new moon brings spiritual insights helping you know yourself better.


There’s a lot of energy around work, health, and well-being. You may start a new exercise routine. But you also may be putting in a lot of hours at work. There are major changes going on in a relationship. You may gain a new friend. You may challenge your current relationship. Or you may decide you’re going to marry the person you have been dating. Mars in Gemini travels through your house of investments and credit, bringing you more resources. The new moon brings some new technology into your life.


Romance is on your mind this month. You may enter into a new love relationship or start “dating” your partner to bring some fun into your life. There are major changes going on around work and health. You may start a new important health regimen. You could be working with new people. Mars in Gemini travels through your house of partnerships and collaboration. Helpful people are coming into your life. The new moon may bring a career opportunity that could lead to a promotion or a new job entirely.


Home and family is highlighted this month. You may be thinking about moving. Or someone may be moving out of the house. There are major changes happening in your area of children, creativity, and romance. You may be falling in love, or one of your kids could bring home a partner. Mars in Gemini will travel through your house of work and health. You may add more exercise to your daily routine. And you’re likely going to be very busy at work. The new moon brings an opportunity for a trip.


The focus this month is on communication, contracts, and agreements. You may get a contract for employment or a large purchase. Major changes happen at home. You may be doing some renovations, or you may be moving. Mars in Gemini travels through your house of children, fertility, and romance. Someone you know may announce a pregnancy. You could meet someone for a passionate relationship or rekindle your relationship with your partner. The new moon brings a financial opportunity.


There’s a lot of energy around finances this month. More revenue seems to be flowing in. There are major changes in how you speak to yourself and communication in general. You may be talking more with siblings, cousins, and neighbors. Mars in Gemini travels through your house of home and family, bringing relatives together for a celebration. You may also be sending kids off to school. The new moon brings a potential new relationship, a great friendship, or an opportunity to collaborate with someone.

Donna Stellhorn is an astrologer, Feng Shui expert and author of 15 books. Her website is You can follow her on Instagram @donnastellhorn or see her videos on YouTube at

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