The Frequency Overload in Our High-Tech World

By Phyllis Light, Ph.D.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by life? Exhausted? Like you don’t have enough time or energy to get everything done? Do you ever wonder, deep down, if life is worth living like this?

Life in our world today can be quite overwhelming and exhausting. But it is not because of what you may think. The culprit happens to be completely invisible, and thus often eludes us, as we seek solutions to alleviate the stress we feel.

Think about how often you interact with anything electric, electronic or battery-powered? You probably carry a cellphone with you all the time. There is a battery in the cellphone, and there are electronic frequencies that get broadcast to the cellphone that allow it to function. Some people even sleep with their phone under their pillow, or beside their bed, exposing themselves, throughout the night, to the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that the phone generates.

You may use that cellphone or other wireless device
daily, checking your emails, texting your friends and family,
or connecting with Facebook and other social media. Or you probably use a computer daily, at home or work. When you get in your car, you may listen to Sirius radio, filling you with electronic frequencies from overhead satellite transmissions. When you
go to your local coffee house, those same electronic frequencies usually fill the air.

You may enjoy movies and videos that are streamed to your TV, computer, or other mobile device, via the internet, which is loaded with all kinds of detrimental fields and frequencies from all the electronic devices connected to it. Some people use a VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), where they communicate on phone lines via the internet, also exposing themselves to the internet’s myriad of electronic frequencies. Often people use Skype, or post videos of themselves online, putting their faces and bodies in the electromagnetic fields of the camera, computer, and internet as well.

So what is the problem with being exposed to all these EMFs? Isn’t this just a “normal” part of life? Here is the problem: Anything electric, electronic, or battery-powered creates an unnatural electromagnetic field that has a weakening effect on the human energy field surrounding a person’s body. The more your energy field gets weakened, the more health problems can ensue—fatigue, headaches, eyestrain, allergies, asthma, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and a variety of autoimmune system disorders that plague people in our world today, as a result of the frequency overload.

In addition to creating health challenges, exposure to EMFs also creates depression, irritability, and stress. How many people feel the need to take anti-depressant medication, but can’t figure out what’s making them feel depressed? When you fight an “invisible enemy,” you have no idea what you are up against or what you can do to win the battle.

We are swimming in a soup of life-damaging frequencies daily, from the moment we wake up until the moment we
go to sleep, and throughout the night as well! Here are some suggestions as to what you can do to alleviate the stress to some degree:

  • Limit your use of electronics. Take a 30 minute rest from your computer or other mobile device every 30 minutes.
  • Don’t give up your land line (i.e., use your cellphone only for emergencies).
  • Install your wireless internet in a way that you can turn it off at night, so that the frequencies don’t continually bombard you while you’re sleeping.
  • Get a regular alarm clock to help you wake up, and turn your cellphone off at night.
  • Don’t sit with the TV remote control on your lap (remember, it has a battery in it.)
  • Don’t post “a million photos” of yourself—or your newborn baby—on the internet or on your cellphone!
  • Talk with your neighbors about turning off their WiFi at night (since their networks are usually generating frequencies in YOUR place as well!!)

These suggestions may seem impractical, but any steps
 you can take to reduce the enormous amount of life-damaging bombardments you sustain daily can only bring relief and alleviate suffering. We are being unbelievably challenged in our world today on so many levels, and the more you can reduce your exposure to all the high-tech frequencies, the more your mind, body, and spirit will thank you!

Phyllis Light, Ph.D, in Psychology, counselor, and author, is an expert in “Telepathic Healing.” With over 35 years of experience, Dr. Light has done pioneering subtle energy research, creating the Rejuvenizer technology, to protect from and repair damage to a person’s energy field from life in a high-tech world. For more information: 512-301-2999 or

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