In Print – February 2022

By Kayla Hancock


Demystification: Lifting the Veils of Illusion, by Jakeb Brock (Outskirts Press, $8.13, Paperback)

In this book, Jakeb Brock investigates many of the lies we have been taught through cultural conditioning. He empowers readers to go on an inward discovery to demystify the mind and find their own truth.  Detailing the various chapters of this process, Brock provides helpful information in a practical and inclusive way so that anyone can benefit from his teachings.


Sit Down to Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World, by Shelly Tyielski (New World Library, $21.57, Hardcover

Shelly Tyielski is no stranger to transformation. In the past, she had wellness routines in place that helped her to deal with a serious chronic health issue. It didn’t take her long to realize that healing is very multifaceted, and to find true peace and contentment, she would need to make changes in other parts of her life as well.  A meditator, activist, and teacher, Tyielski empowers readers to use self care to not just better themselves, but to also create positive change in the collective.


Words of Wisdom: Quotations from One of the World’s Foremost Spiritual Teachers, by Ram Dass (Mandala Publishing, $13.16, Hardcover)

Ram Dass always had a passion for exploring the depths of the self… even when he was known as Richard Alpert. Alongside his fascination of the workings of the inner mind, he also enjoyed creating shared heart space with others. Ram Dass has helped millions of people around the world open their hearts to Loving Awareness and compassion by sharing his wisdom. This book is a collection of quotes from Ram Dass’s most powerful lessons over his 50 years of teaching as well as a celebration of the powerful wave of awakening that he initiated in so many others.


 Let It Be Easy: Simple Ways to Stop Stressing & Start Living, by Susie Moore (New World Library, $15.29, Paperback)

Susie Moore knows how easy it can be to feel hindered by stress. In this practical guidebook, she shares over 100 ways to simplify one’s life and create a more enriching life experience. Moore takes large concepts and breaks them down into bits that are not only easy to digest, but are actually doable and enjoyable to read. Many of these self-help suggestions revolve around themes of connection with self, authenticity, learning to let go, and not taking life too seriously.


 Heart Medicine: How to Stop Painful Patterns and Find Peace and Freedom–at Last, by Radhule Weininger (Shambhala, $18.95, Paperback)

Everyone experiences patterns in their life. In this book, Radhule Weininger reminds readers that feeling hindered by repetitive circumstances or emotions is all too common within the human experience. On the bright side, he explains it is possible to overcome these painful patterns and take control of our fate when we can recognize and examine them from a place of compassion. Weininger offers 12 easy steps for readers to break through these patterns and live with more peace and confidence.


 About Spiritual Energy: Your Guide to Perpetual Joy, by Walter E. Broach Mls PhD (Liferich, Paperback, $12.99)

You are a drop in the ocean. Or, are you the ocean in a drop? What if both sayings applied? Walter E. Broach explains why we should view ourselves as spiritual beings spending time in human bodies instead of seeing ourselves as biological creatures. Broach also shares where the soul is located and how to communicate with it. He emphasizes the importance of our emotions and answers questions such as:  “Does spiritual energy have anything to do with God?” and “Do our personalities continue on in the spiritual realm after our physical bodies die?”


Kayla Hancock is grateful to be a part of this community. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified Deeksha giver who enjoys working alongside her angels and spirit guides to bring more love, joy and compassion into the world.

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