Cosmic Daily Weather – July 2019

By Bernadette Evans


July is a busy month astrologically. Eclipse season is back. Eclipses are new Moons or full Moons that are super-charged. They’re powerful, and their effects last approximately six months. The first eclipse is a New Moon Solar Eclipse on July 2 in the sign of Cancer. The focus will be on family and how you can look after yourself in the mix. How can you support others while being supported yourself? The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is on July 16 in the sign of Capricorn. Family will still be emphasized along with responsibility—what’s yours and what isn’t. The month ends with a second New Moon, this time it’s in Leo. What would you like to create? Maybe you’re seeking more romance, want to play with your children or grandchildren or want to be a leader that everyone looks up to. Whatever your intention is, New Moons are the perfect time to set your intentions for the coming month. Mercury stations Retrograde on July 7 and will be retrograde for just over three weeks. When Mercury is Retrograde, depending on how it’s affecting your chart, it can mean miscommunications, emails and text messages getting lost, or just delays in general. If you don’t have to make a major purchase at this time, don’t. Be sure to look over any contracts carefully, before signing. Mercury isn’t all doom and gloom, it’s a terrific time to revisit, rethink or re-evaluate what’s been working for you and what hasn’t, and then make the appropriate changes. There’s a lot going on this month; with patience, attention to details and taking some time out for yourself, it can be a great month.

The Moon takes about 28 days to complete its orbit through the 12 signs, staying approximately two and a half days in each sign. When we say the Moon is Void of Course (VoC), it means the Moon makes no more major aspects to other planets before it leaves the sign its in. At these times, it can be difficult to get focused and accomplish a task. You may want to relax, meditate or do something where your focus is turned inward. Don’t try and get a new project off the ground when the Moon is void. If you want to find out more about the Void of Course Moon, check out

The times below are listed in Central Daylight Time.


Monday, July 1

Happy Canada Day to my Canadian Readers! You may feel the excitement and the anticipation in the air. The Moon is winding up its monthly visit in Gemini; while Mars enters the fiery sign of Leo at 6:19 p.m. When Mars is in Leo, you may find yourself striving to be noticed. You’re feeling enthusiastic and want to be recognized for your hard work and achievements. Moon VoC at 4:48 p.m. until 8:24 p.m. when it enters the sign of Cancer.

Tuesday, July 2

The New Moon Solar Eclipse is at 10 degrees of Cancer at 2:16 p.m. It’s highlighting family and emotions. What feeds your soul? Spend some time thinking about what nourishes you, and focus your intentions there. At this time, you’re just planting the seeds; with time and nurturing, your intentions can blossom. With the New Moon sextile to Uranus, there’s a possibility of an unexpected business opportunity that could be lucrative. You may partner up with one or two people to bring it to fruition. Whatever you dream, keep your feet planted on terra firma to maintain your balance.

Wednesday, July 3

Venus enters the sign of Cancer at 10:18 a.m. When Venus enters the sign of Cancer you may want to spend more time at home. You might feel like redecorating or to have family and friends over for a meal. With the Moon being VoC most of the day, you want to surround yourself with those you love and care about. You could also feel the need for some solitude and want a little me time. Moon VoC at 9:25 a.m. until 10:19 p.m. when it enters the sign of Leo.

Thursday, July 4

Happy Independence Day to my American readers! It’s a day of play and celebrating with family and friends, which is perfect with the Moon in Leo. You want to let your hair down and have some fun. With the Moon-Uranus square, you might feel the urge to shake things up; whether it is with people or a situation there can be a rebellious streak. Some may feel the restless energy and do nothing or feel antsy; while others feel it and want to stir the pot. Recognize the restlessness and go play without wreaking havoc.

Friday, July 5

The Moon is VoC all day and night in Leo. Self-confidence and pride are evident when you look at all that you’ve created. Congratulate yourself and give yourself a pat on the back for all your achievements. Moon VoC at 1:24 a.m. until 11:25 p.m. when it moves into the sign of Virgo.

Saturday, July 6

When the Moon trines Uranus, you could be craving a little excitement. You may also have a brilliant idea that is useful when trying to create some order in a certain area of your life. It could be innovative and make your life so much easier.

Sunday, July 7

You may want some time alone to sit with any feelings that surface when the Moon Trines Pluto. The Moon is Void for a good portion of the day, which makes it a great time to journal, paint, go for a walk or whatever speaks to you. Mercury Stations Retrograde at 6:14 p.m., another reason for reflection. Moon VoC at 11:50 a.m. for the rest of the day.

Monday, July 8

When Mercury conjuncts Mars, you’re quite passionate about your ideas and are eager to share them with others. You may be recognized for your ideas or for achieving a goal. There’s also the potential for disagreements with others, as you may feel you have to defend your ideas. Moon enters the sign of Libra at 1:07 a.m.

Tuesday, July 9

Communication could come to a standstill with the Sun-Saturn opposition, squaring the Moon. You may feel misunderstood and want to isolate yourself. Is it possible to look at the situation another way? Find some middle ground that allows everyone to move forward with their feelings and dignity intact. Moon VoC at 2:36 p.m. for the remainder of the day.

Wednesday, July 10

Feelings are heightened with the Moon-Uranus opposition. You may be seeking passion and excitement just to change things up. There is a feeling of wanting to rebel and be contrary just for the fun of it. Moon enters the sign of Scorpio at 4:29 a.m.

Thursday, July 11

Sensitivity and intuition are heightened today. There is grand water trine in the sky, with the Sun-Moon-Neptune all dancing together. These three planets combined can create something magical and beautiful. It could be a creation of a relationship, or, a piece of art, or beginning a new spiritual practice. Whatever it is, you’re passionate about it. Moon VoC at 7:28 p.m.

Friday, July 12

You may feel the need to explore a new subject with the Moon in Sagittarius. The Moon-Mercury trine may prod you to speak up about your beliefs. You exude quiet confidence and want to share your thoughts about these beliefs. Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius at 10:05 a.m.

Saturday, July 13

Earlier in the day when the Moon quincunx Venus, you could find yourself compromising and rearranging your plans to get along with a friend. Then in the late afternoon when the Moon conjuncts Jupiter, your enthusiasm puts you in a party mood. You’re feeling generous and want to play. If there is one caution with this aspect, it’s about overdoing it. Moon VoC at 8:30 p.m.

Sunday, July 14

Home, family and responsibility are in the spotlight with the Sun-Pluto opposition. You could find yourself in the middle of a power struggle today. A situation or a relationship may have come to an end, or an honest discussion may help resolve your differences. Moon VoC most of the day until 6:05 p.m. when it enters the sign of Capricorn.

Monday, July 15

Practical matters are at the forefront with the Moon in Capricorn. When the Moon trines Uranus an unusual idea could present itself, which helps you at work. There is electricity in the air with Uranus and the Moon-Mars quincunx. You may feel like you’re moving in one direction, only to find yourself readjusting and moving in another direction, then back again. It can be challenging trying to fit all the pieces together.

Tuesday, July 16

The energies of the Full Moon are amplified because there is a partial Lunar Eclipse. Pluto is also thrown into the mix, which makes it even more intense. The focus is still on family, home and relationships, a continuation of whatever took place on July 2. Is there something you’re seeing now with a more objective eye that you need to release? It’s powerful and emotionally intense. At times, you may feel alone on this journey, but you’re quietly determined and focused on what needs to be done and what you need to let go of. Today the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is at 4:38 p.m. and then the Moon is VoC.

Wednesday, July 17

There is an air of detachment today when the Moon moves into Aquarius. This feeling of separateness from others or feeling like you’re being restricted can make you feel like you want to escape from it all. You could turn inward and face whatever or whomever you want to run away from, head-on and learn from it. Moon enters the sign of Aquarius at 4:19 a.m.

Thursday, July 18

You feel pretty good about your relationships when Venus trines Neptune. Going out with friends tonight may be on the agenda. Nurture yourself and have fun; you can return to earth and reality tomorrow. Moon VoC at 10:53 a.m. for the rest of the day.

Friday, July 19

Mercury retrogrades back into Cancer at 2:06 a.m. You’re revisiting themes around home and family. Seeing things from a different perspective may give you new insights after you’ve internalized your feelings. Moon enters the sign of Pisces at 4:19 p.m.

Saturday, July 20

The Moon in Pisces may motivate you to tap into your artistic side and feel into your emotions. Use your intuition to be creative or go on a meditative journey. Pisces can get lost in a spiritual practice, or drugs and alcohol, or too much TV. There are many roads you can go down; you choose the one you want to travel.

Sunday, July 21

The Sun-Mercury conjunction can enhance your awareness about what’s going on around you. Add the Venus-Pluto opposition and you could find those in authority trying to exert pressure or control the situation. Instead of getting drawn into any drama, use this energy to create something you love. Work on your craft, your hard work will pay off.

Monday, July 22

It’s the start of Leo season, so Happy Birthday to all the Leos out there! The Moon-Sun trine fills you with excitement and vim and vigor. You have enthusiasm when it comes to new ventures. All of this energy may get you fired up and out the door to exercise. Moving your body is a great way to dispel all this energy. Someone may also catch your eye today. The Sun enters Leo at 9:50 p.m. Moon VoC at 3:34 a.m. until 5:02 a.m., when it enters the sign of Aries.

Tuesday, July 23

The fiery energy continues with a grand fire trine between the Moon-Mars and Jupiter. Feelings of impulsivity and enthusiasm are abundant. You could have a lot of irons in the fire, wanting to run from one thing to the next. If you find yourself scattered but with lots of energy to burn, do a physical activity; it will help ease the restlessness and ground you.

Wednesday, July 24

Expressing how you feel to the people you love comes easily when Mercury conjuncts Venus. The Moon squares Mercury and Venus inspiring you to say what’s on your mind. Moon VoC at 9:48 a.m. until 4:42 p.m., when it enters the sign of Taurus.

Thursday, July 25

Hope and optimism are in the air when Mars trines Jupiter. Focus on a goal; have faith in your ability to make it happen, and go for it! Following your dreams inspires others to act and follow their dreams.

Friday, July 26

Intensity and passion are bubbling under the surface when the Moon trines Pluto. You want connections to be serious and deep. Everything is felt more strongly. Any sexual encounters are about connecting on a deeper, more soulful level. All this power and intensity can be exhausting, so recharge your batteries with a walk in nature. Moon VoC at 11:28 p.m.

Saturday, July 27

Venus enters the sign of Leo at 8:54 p.m. She’ll be there for just over three weeks. You may feel like going out to parties with your friends or buying something that makes you feel gorgeous and confident. There’s a desire to enjoy all that life has to offer. There can be a need to express yourself in a dramatic way. Moon enters the sign of Gemini at 1:29 a.m.

Sunday, July 28

Today is a great day to gather information, do some reading, investigating, or working on something creatively. With the VoC Moon, you may not want to start any new projects. Also, be sure of your facts if you get into a debate with someone today, and take the time to listen to what they have to say. Moon VoC at 10:24 a.m. for the rest of the day.

Monday, July 29

You may be experiencing turbulent waters with the Sun-Uranus square and the Moon in Cancer. You may feel you have to exert your will over others and this isn’t going to sit well; or the opposite, you may feel someone is trying to exert their will over you. Either way, you may feel you need to escape. Taking time out for yourself to get some air is a brilliant idea. One word of caution, pay attention to what you’re doing, whether you’re walking or driving, to avoid accidents. Moon enters the sign of Cancer at 6:31 a.m.

Tuesday, July 30

Whether something has come to an end or you’ve arrived at a new beginning, depends on your point of view, when the Moon opposes Saturn. You could be feeling alone and depressed, but this is a momentary emotion and will pass. Tomorrow is a new day. Moon VoC at 10:32 p.m.

Wednesday, July 31

Mercury starts its forward motion tonight, and as much as you may be in a hurry to see your plans progressing, it will take a while before he picks up speed. There is also another New Moon this month, this time in Leo. One aspect of the New Moon in Leo is to connect with your Inner Child. Remember what it was like to just be in the moment and play? Have fun expressing yourself! Mercury stations direct at 10:58 p.m. Moon enters the sign of Leo at 8:18 a.m. New Moon at 10:12 p.m.

Bernadette Evans
is a counselling astrologer, hypnotherapist, Registered Professional Counsellor and writer. She can be reached at 780-289-7398 or [email protected] to schedule
a consultation.

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