
JULY …. Rest, Relax, Vacation

By Elizabeth Summers Even though the month of July starts out with picnics, fireworks and parades, this seventh month of the calendar year is just the opposite energetically.  Chill out, kick back, go on vacations in July should become the norm.  Statistically, more people go on vacation in July than …

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June… the Love vibration

By Elizabeth Summers Hello Venus!  This wonderful month of June and the Number Six brings beauty and love for others into our energy fields.  The nesting influence of a comfy home and relationships including marriage leads statistics to indicate that more marriages occur in June than any other month of …

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April… Spring into Action through Planning

By Elizabeth Summers Focus, discipline, stability, security energy…sounds like a boot camp but these are the energies of April.  All the scattered thoughts and behaviors of March are now settling down into practical applications. April, the fourth month of the calendar year, brings organization and planning more into focus.  Whether …

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Number Three… Don’t Worry Be Happy!

By Elizabeth Summers The mantra for March… “Don’t worry be happy”… is the energy of the Number Three.  Even Mother Earth knows this is a time to spring into action and get her life going forward again!   The fun and expansive energy of the Number Three lifts us all …

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The Number Two… The Gentle Giant

By Elizabeth Summers Number Two is the YIN to the Universe’s YANG. As we move from the focused hard-driving energy of January and the Number One vibration, February, our second calendar month, for some may feel like “hitting the wall”!   The energy of Number Two is the YIN to …

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January…New Beginnings in Peace or Pieces!

By Elizabeth Summers By this time many of us may feel like the crumbling of the Berlin wall! Emotionally, physically and not to mention financially fragmented that all we would like to do is sit, close our eyes and take a long winter’s nap.  January says “let’s begin anew” and …

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December…Values, Attitude Adjustments, Party Time!

  December…Values, Attitude Adjustments, Party Time! by Elizabeth Summers Column: The Magical World of Numbers Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, deeper issues present themselves in the month of December. On a mundane level, we may be forced to examine our values…  “Hey what’s important here? Who is important …

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November…Balance, Partnerships, Intuition, Mother Energy, Groups

November…Balance, Partnerships, Intuition, Mother Energy, Groups by Elizabeth Summers Column: The Magical World Of Numbers As the falling leaves swirl around us, so does the multi-level energies of the Number Two and more importantly, the Number Eleven of November. This high strung vibration of intuition can create some intense nervous energy in those that are …

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October…Number Ten …The God Force, Good Karma and Money Issues

October…Number Ten …The God Force, Good Karma and Money Issues by Elizabeth Summers Column: The Magical World Of Numbers By October, the beautiful season of Fall has arrived bringing with it new looks in Mother Nature, new weather conditions and new life styles for we humans as we begin our nesting for the next several months. As Mother …

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