
Introduction to Yin Yoga and Its Benefits

 By Stefanie Arend Some types of yoga specify precisely how certain positions should look, and many people attempt to emulate this ideal image, whereas Yin Yoga is oriented towards the person practicing it. Our inner teacher is truly our most important yoga teacher, and I believe there is great healing …

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10 Principles That Will Change the Way You Look at Stress

  By Marianne Clyde  What do we do when it looks like the world is going to hell in a hand-basket? We change our focus. Not by putting our head in the sand, but strengthening our own internal locus of control. So that rather than become part of the problem, …

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Stretch Your Body and Expand Your Mind

By Monica Tunnell, RMT, RYT “Yoga is the cessation of the movements of the mind. Then there is abiding in the Seer’s own form.” ―Patañjali, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali In the Eastern world, the path through yoga has had a different road…the physical practice, or asana, a single limb of the …

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Yin Yoga: A Fast, Free and Easy Rx for Anxiety

 By Stefanie Arend In our busy world, anxiety affects more people than ever. We power through late nights at work, are constantly bombarded by messages even after leaving the office, and are haunted by performance pressure in the classroom and workplace. The internet makes it easier than ever to compare …

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Yin Yoga – The Perfect Practice for Summer

By Stefanie Arend I cannot imagine my life without Yin Yoga. It is my personal anchor, and I do it every single day, rain or shine. As an avid year-round practitioner, I can attest that Yin Yoga is especially useful in the summer because it balances the Yang energy which …

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Confessions of a Yogini 

By Cynthia Gran –  It’s easier to tell a lie than it is to tell the truth… It’s easier to drag your feet than it is to be a man… It’s easier to see the book upon the shelf, Than to see yourself —See Yourself, George Harrison “The outer world, …

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Armed with an Open Heart

By Michael Fine The Bikram Method is a style of Hatha yoga. Each class lasts 90 minutes and is comprised of two sets of 26 postures and two breathing exercises. It is conducted in a room heated to 105°F and 40% humidity. The series systematically works every muscle, bone, joint, …

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