CyberWeave: It’s Time to Plan Some Spiritual Travel Adventures

By Mary Montgomery –

The closing on my Chicago home was finalized in late December, and now I am a full-time resident of southwest Michigan. As I sit in my cozy office, I can see the frozen lake and snow- covered ground outside my windows. I have a warm house and a new all-wheel-drive RAV4. I am content. I am healthy. But, I also have been bitten by a bug. It’s the travel bug, and it has me itching to embark on some adventures.

These are not ordinary travel adventures. Each has a spiritual component that is core to the whole experience. Let me share a bit about each of the ones I have chosen, and then suggest a few ideas that may get you itching to do some spiritual traveling of your own.

IONS 17th International Conference ( The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) is holding its 17th international conference, The Science of What Connects Us, July 20-23, 2017 in Oakland, CA. I am an enthusiastic member of IONS and their mission; the study of consciousness; not the materialistic “it's all in your brain” type of research, but research that recognizes the non-local, spiritual reality of consciousness. Highlights of this conference include sessions with thought-provoking titles like “Aha! Moments, Awe, and Flow States,” “Extended Minds: Interconnections in Space and Time,” and “The Science and Spirit of Channeling.” I’ll be rooming with my IONS Alaskan cruise buddy Elaine. Afterward, I will take the time to visit my many relatives in the Bay area and Eureka. I’ve always found California a priming pump for spiritual experiences. Last time, for example, I meditated with the redwoods at Muir Woods. This time, I plan to travel to Eureka and Humboldt County; that’s the Vatican when it comes to redwoods. I can close my eyes and see those forest cathedrals now.

Vortex of Attraction Cruise ( My travel buddy Elaine and I decided to combine our love for the Law of Attraction principles of Abraham with this French Riviera Cruise on Celebrity. I am fond of listening to excerpts of Abraham events on YouTube. However, I have never attended an event. What better way to do this, than aboard a cruise that starts in Barcelona and ends in Venice? In Venice, we’ve arranged to spend five days in a historic studio apartment with a lovely garden. I’m sure we will have many spiritual adventures in addition to our time with Esther Hicks as she channels Abraham.

Using conferences, workshops, and the like as vehicles for your own spiritual travel is a great idea. Here are some upcoming events that may inspire you to start making your travel plans:

The Original Afterlife Awareness Conference: Exploring the Science and Spirit of Death and Beyond ( This year it will be June 1-4 in Portland, Oregon. I’ve been to a couple of past conferences and highly recommend this experience.

The IANDS Conference ( The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) Conference will be held August 3-6 in Denver, Colorado. The theme is Love, Light and Healing Energy: Affirming Near-Death Experiences. I’ve gone to a number of IANDS conferences over the years and highly recommend them.

OK, I know! Not all of us can choose to pack our bags and head out to explore the spiritual far from home. So what about some deep spiritual journeying close to home? Here’s one example:

Infinity Foundation ( The Infinity Foundation in Highland Park, IL is hosting two workshops by Eben Alexander, MD, and Karen Newell on April 21st and 22nd. I took a sacred acoustics workshop with Eben and Karen, and it was excellent. The titles of the April workshops are “Sound Healing Journey: An Evening of Healing,” and “Accessing Infinite Oneness.” You may not be journeying far from home, yet I bet you will be journeying deep within.

My Advice: I hope that my travel bug has now bitten you and that you are getting the itch to do some spiritual traveling of your own. Check out my suggestions. Come up with some of your own; I’d love to hear about them! Remember, you don’t have to wander far from home to do spiritual traveling.


Mary Montgomery’s company, Montgomery Media Enterprises, specializes in public relations, writing projects, and social media development, especially in the non-profit sector. Ms. Montgomery has a Master’s Degree in Religious Studies from Chicago Theological Seminary (CTS). She has completed the coursework in doctoral studies with a focus on Altruism and Unconditional Love. Contact her via email at [email protected]. Please use Cyberweave in the subject line.

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